My experience using blog

My new experience is writing in my blog and I believe I’m learn a lot, especially about how I suppose to write thinking in English  so it’s kind a challenge because I’m always think in Spanish so I like to think in booth language. I feeling now I can write so much that before and its make me feel so happy I love to learn about many things and this experience it is one of those.  In the future I would like to write about my favourite book or my favourite place in the city maybe a recombination to a friend for visit someplace in the town this would be fun also write about movies like a blog specially for movies so I can do my opinion about these maybe to put a note like a real movie blog but I think maybe a music blog sounds more fun for me. At the end I think I’m proud of myself for do this because one of my fear about English is the idea of writ something but I’m doing this with mistakes and everything but I’m doing so I be grateful for this opportunity and I would like to continue doing this another day.  


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